The UN launched a set of integrated services in 2014 that addressed vulnerable children in several counties with financing received from Norway Grants. In partnership with a foundation, the clients are interested in mapping all the healthcare providers in the regions and understanding the institutional capacity and geographical reach for children (0-18 years) from rural and urban localities where the project has been implemented.
About the Client
The clients are a foundation carrying work in the healthcare area, the UN, and local public authorities.
Business Issue
The client would like to plan its strategies and programs of the support measures for children aged 0-18 years old who are vulnerable or find themselves at the risk of social exclusion.
Business Consulting Solution
For this purpose, we have addressed the level of addressability, quality of medical services, and access of children (0-18 years) from rural and urban localities where the project has been implemented. A secondary objective consisted of understanding the challenges faced by the Roma Health Mediators and Community medical Assistants in enhancing access and addressability to healthcare services. The study follows the patient’s path in the medical health system, evaluating the beneficiaries and the medical staff’s perception, which provides community medical services, family medicine, and specialty. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, observations, and vignettes were used with community health workers, vulnerable households, general practitioners, and hospital managers.
The study was presented to the local authorities informing the allocation of human and financial resources in the targeted countries.