Areas of Expertise


    In partnerships with the John Snow Labs and Microsoft, we can help you answer particular questions. To do so, we follow a six steps process as depicted below.

    01 - Business Understanding

    02 - Data Understanding

    03 - Data Preparation

    Data Analytics & Research Organization | Human Data Insight

    04 - Modeling

    05 - Evaluation

    06 - Deployment


    In a rapidly changing environment, the ability to predict trends using real-time data and present these in an easy-to-understand manner becomes even more critical. Our capabilities include:
      Help to forecast the market demand for new products or features and the success of marketing campaigns
      Predict high users of medical services based on their diagnostic and prescription drug use history
      Use social media analytics to evaluate general causation between services and client satisfaction
      Efficiently analyze billions of mutual fund transactions across numerous file formats and platforms
      Create custom analytics and dashboards that help companies develop adequate controls
      Develop interactive platforms and web apps to help clients manage their data-intensive projects and metrics
      Compile and managing large, complex datasets using proprietary client data as well as data from a variety of third-party data sources

    Our capabilities include:
      Sort through reams of filings and online product reviews to reveal which features were considered relevant to consumers in patent infringement and consumer protection cases
      Collect, cluster, and analyze information coming from a variety of unstructured text financial sources to find relationships between specific language and conducts on the financial markets
      Examine detailed information of online booking information, like pricing or other specific characteristics, to measure the impact of constraints (or removing restrictions) of competition on consumer welfare
      Uncover issues that are not captured by traditional patient-reported outcome instruments, including through the use of social media and online patient data on medical conditions and their treatments
      Efficiently conduct literature reviews, organizing large datasets of scientific articles, ranking abstracts by expected relevancy for particular research topics, and highlighting changes in research topics over time
      Develop a method to identify and standardize medical terminologies, such as disease name, from the unstructured medical data

    Technical Expertise

    Ph.D. degree
    Technical Background
    MD degree
    Data Scientists

    Featured Benefits

      Reduce inefficiencies through automatization of the management of healthcare providers
      Improve allocation of resources through sensor monitoring of hospital beds’ availability
      Improve the flow of patients in the hospitals
      Improve optimization of the workflow by automating and digitizing tasks.
      Identify and prevent unnecessary care (referrals, visits, laboratory tests, etc.)
      Identify and prevent failure to adhere to best practices
      Identify and avoid duplication of services
      Identify and prevent non-optimized drug prescriptions (e.g., less use of generics than expected)
      Identify and prevent non-optimal use of infrastructure and medical equipment
      Identify and prevent low workforce productivity
      Identify and prevent detectable high-cost centers (e.g., population with a high number of readmissions, over-prescribing centers), errors (e.g., coding, claimed services not connectable to medical conditions), and frauds.

    Data Analytics & Research Organization | Human Data Insight

    Learn more about our research and business cases