Our Romanian local team provides technical support to UNICEF to evaluate the impact of pandemics on vulnerable communities


    This Rapid Assessment has been undertaken as a partnership between the UNICEF Country Office in Romania, the Centre for Education and Professional Development Step-by-Step, Terre des Hommes Romania, the Center for Health Policies and Services, the Council of Institutionalized Youth.

    Special appreciation is due to The World Bank and the World Health Organization for having provided technical input to the concept note as well as the data collection tool.

    This report also includes insights from the minutes of the meeting “How COVID-19 will be impacting Roma communities” with the Roma Sounding Board and other local NGOs made available by the World Bank in Romania.

    Special thanks are also due to Human-DataScience Consulting, to Diana Pirjol, Executive Director, and Francesco Teo Ficarelli for the pro bono work in view of the development of the online questionnaire, programming, piloting and validation with UNICEF and partners conducting data collection and for providing trainings for data collectors.