Design, collect and run economic impact analysis of existing policies and legislation’s impact on healthcare providers
Design, collect and run the statistical and empirical analysis of existing policies and legislation’s impact on healthcare providers
Design, collect and run a cost-benefit analysis of existing policies and legislation’s impact on healthcare providers
Provide strategic support in restructuring, reorganization, and integration of hospitals
Run evaluation and capacity optimization of ambulatory care structures
Develop strategy development at the county, regional and national level
Run hospital/ clinic competitiveness analysis, strategic planning
Use scenario planning to support hospital preparedness in light of COVID-19 pandemics
Evaluate workforce governance and program infrastructure
Evaluate workforce compensation and structure
Run staffing alignment and optimization
Understand the context of disease such as unmet population needs, epidemiological profile (e.g., incidence, prevalence, mortality, survival rates)
Evaluate the current status of healthcare services in term of access, quality of health care services, addressability
Audit operational activities using qualitative and quantitative data to understand the main problems with an existing offering
Offer design support, data collection, and implementation support of national or pilot operational programs
Analyze pre-existing or newly generated data and redesign services or create new ones based on principles from behavioral science, public health, epidemiology, and economics
Develop workflow redesign
Development of integration platforms to support ¬
Develop digital tools and behavioral change interventions to increase the quality of care, coverage, and retention
Provide M&E support in designing data collection platforms, indicators or in evaluating the feasibility of existing ones
Design and evaluate hospital performance on any of the five pillars
Document the accreditation process
Evaluate budget impact and sustainability of investments in this direction
Evaluate the impact, respectively, the success and effectiveness of programs and ward activities
Develop the training syllabus and train your staff on topics related to:
Evaluation of hospital operational activity
Correct allocation of expenses
Measures of profitability of departmental, ward, hospital operations
Set up of M&E systems and indicators for monitoring the activity of the hospital
Subject topics are chosen on-demand, and client need